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Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Finally, and my first accident!

Would like to say that I really miss the pleasure of driving in Mumbai in the past few years.

Previously enjoyed the quick disciplined drivers who never jumped lanes nor honk unneccesarily and best was night driving with headlamps dipped (Pune really is the winner for glaring
highbeam habit)

Seems we have better vehicles but have forgotten basic driving ethics. Pune has the most notorious two wheelers and those autos...... they rule the roads ( Either by just refusing to give side, just cruise along at snails pace while hunting for customers or the scary spot turns ,180 degress without any hint). Add to these the new breed of Indicabs serving the various software parks. Lately the public transport buses need to stop in the middle of the road at the stops (maybe a limitation of the power steering ?......wonder wonder)

Thus we are always trying find our way in the above scenari., Still wonder why my preferred mode is driving the beloved Palio. Hope there is some sanity restored.

my feelings may be off topic but i have no qualms stating that mumbai drivers are among the worst in the country - the most horrible are the ones in Ahmedabad and Agra, IMHO :-)

people in Mumbai have long back forgotten or shunned driving ethics and discipline they were known for ( I first saw immaculate traffic and lane discipline when i had first visited mumbai in 1991 - i was thrilled that Indians can be so wonderful drivers).

But thereafter, I have been a regular visitor to the city during 2002-07, and then also lived there during 2008-09 and my experience was pathetic.

Ram, you especially need to watch out in Navi Mumbai.. the drivers in Navi mumbai are a shame - mostly nouveau riche or yuppies at their game of one-upmanship and also dangerous drivers.

take care and be safe,


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