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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Car Shows

I agree with you 100%. However my LIL "NELLIE" 48 Sta. Wgn. took 2nd Place in a 1940 to 1950 Class. And had more people look at her than most of the other cars there, as you have discribed. Good for you.Rich W.

Maybe that's it. This show had no "classes", I wouldn't have minded losing to the LaSalle, or to the lone Hudson. But to see 12 2005-2010 Corvettes all win is disconcerting to say the least, especially when I and they know deep down that my '47 pickup would blow their doors off the best day they'd ever had. (They're on a trailer).
My engine compartment is fairly clean (considering that I had the oil hose behind the tower shaft burst into the fan a year or two ago) but I can't or wont clean it with Q-Tips, same with the undercarriage. Should we as a 
people encourage these psychoses? I try to drive the little truck every nice day even if it's just to the store or around the block.

So now I have criteria for car shows: Money (reasonable) to charity. Make and model competing against like make and model for 1 or 2 trophies. Mandatory psychoanalysis and observation of the owners of "trailer queens". I have limited my participation in local shows to those shows with classes that are advantageous to Crosleys (ie microcars, special interest, etc.)or that are judged properly(ie not by 3 teenagers and a drunk in a t-shirt), plus those for charities that I have an interest in. On a larger scale, I participate in some concours level shows. These are judged mostly by top level judges with extensive experience that use the "wow factor" in judging for the car that will appeal to the majority of attendees. Finally and most recently, I participate in AACA shows that are judged by a specific set of rules with points deducted for flaws in 4 areas..body, chassis, engine, and interior, with emphasis on originality and craftsmanship. 

I too have found that many other shows have become contests of which car club brings the most cars and gets together to vote their own in for a trophy. Like many others, If these are for a charity, I don't go expecting to win, but rather to spread the "Crosley gospel" and draw more interest to the club. At the recent Greenwich Concours (where I didn't win any awards), I was approached by one of the Corvette owners in the sports car class I was placed in. He told me I should have a show all my own since the Hotshot drew more interest than all the other cars in the class combined. He made a point to state that he watched a number of people walk past 2 original Shelby Cobras without a glance to come to talk about the Hotshot!!! (one of the Cobras won the award). It is just the way it goes sometimes. Thanks for getting your car out and showing it. By educating the public, we will gain more recognition (and value) for these wonderful little cars.

My Super convertible has a crowd around it at the cruise nights . The concept of trailer queens.... basically take a running car and turn it into a life sized into model. Cars are meant to be driven and enjoyed . They should have a trailer queen class with style points awarded to the cars that don't even run . It's like lipstick on a chicken it just doesn't make sense.


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